In this video I test every 30 series GPU mining the cryptocurrency KASPA. I use the latest mining software in Hive OS and show the process to overclocking the GPU to get the most efficiency.
GPUs Tested:
RTX A2000
RTX 3060
RTX 3060 TI
RTX 3070
RTX A4000
RTX 3070 Ti
RTX 3080
RTX 3080 12GB
RTX 3080 TI
RTX 3090
RTX 3090 Ti
▶️ Command: nvidia-smi -q -d voltage
Video Chapters:
00:00 The Best Mining Overclocks for KASPA
00:33 KASPA Mining Performance & Overclocks
01:53 How to Achieve The Most Efficient Performance on Your GPU
03:30 The Secret is Reducing Voltage
06:48 What GPUs are The Best on KASPA?
07:40 Should You Use lolminer or gminer?
08:27 What Performance Are You Getting?